Monday, December 13, 2010

A Cup of Tea

I have been absent from the blog world for the past few days partially due to studying for finals for nursing school, and mostly due to a massive cold that has taken over my entire body.  I will not go into the details, because let's face it...  this blog is about eating & happy things, right?

Well, here is a special tea recipe that supposedly helps with colds (I say supposedly because I'm a skeptic, but I'll try anything when I feel this terrible).  I got it from friend in nursing school who got it from one of our instructors:

Butt Kicking Tea for Butt Kicking Colds
from:  Betho's Kitchen
1 teacup/mug/container of Boiling Water
1 teabag of your favorite herbal tea (my favorite is Calm by Tazo)
1 lemon wedge
1 Tbs honey
1 tsp minced ginger
1 dash cayenne pepper

I just dump all the ingredients into one of my favorite mugs (pictured above), and drink it down.  If you don't like things floating in your tea, wrap up the ginger & cayenne in some cheesecloth.  The cayenne pepper feels really good on a sore throat, and the warmth of everything really clears up the sinuses!

Check out this article about using a muffin tin for cutting energy costs and enforcing portion control!  I'm excited to get well & try a few recipes :)


  1. Awww...I'm so sorry you're feeling under the weather. I hope this tea has helped and that you're back to your old self real soon!

    Love ya!

  2. Thanks V! I'm doing MUCH better now & will be happily blogging away in the coming days :)

    Love ya!
